
Device Lending and Demonstration Center

Assistive technology devices can open new worlds for people with disabilities. The equipment loan program provides individuals the opportunity to try out various types of augmentative communication devices and alternative computer access equipment to test a particular device prior to purchase or at times when equipment is being repaired or unavailable.

Types Of Assistive Technology Available

  • No tech, low tech and high tech communication devices
  • Computer hardware including alternative mice and keyboards
  • Alternative Access to communication devices and computers

Loan Period

Loans are typically provided for 35 days depending on the availability of the loan equipment. Loan extensions can be made and are based on need and equipment availability.

Please contact the San Diego Assistive Technology Center at (858) 278-5420 for additional information and support to help you choose the right device to try for your abilities.

Ability Tools


The Ability Tools Network Program currently provides funding to 10 Device Lending and Demonstration Centers (DLDC's) throughout the state of California.

The San Diego Assistive Technology Center is one of these and is open to consumers, agency or school representatives, service providers working with individuals with disabilities, AT trainers, evaluators or instructors.

These DLDC's provide direct assistive technology services to persons with disabilities. They will help individuals learn about, select, locate and borrow devices most appropriate to their needs.

The DLDC's are strategically located to provide comprehensive coverage to all residents of the state. Each DLDC is charged with providing assistive technology related information and referral through the AT Device Lending and Demonstration Center.

A variety of AT devices is available at each location for short-term loans to consumers. The loan program is designed to assist consumers with accessing and utilizing the most effective AT device for their individual needs.

For more information please visit the Ability Tools NATADS Portal.

© 2023 San Diego Assistive Technology Center (SDATC) • United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County